Relationships / MARRIAGE & FAMILY & Mental Health Counseling

A Purposely Different Experience


By Appointment Only






What is stopping you from achieving the results you want (by yourself)?

Relieving the suffering of another human being, the essential work of all (Mental) healthcare practitioners, cannot be merely formulaic. Such work must be grounded in knowledge and experience and is always optimized with the creative application of all that a practitioner brings to an experience. The rapport and trust in the relationship between the practitioner and the client is essential.

Outdated patterns of coping that no longer work for us become the problem we must overcome.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

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Conscious Living

Be intentional with the life you are building: everything you are thinking, saying, and doing is creating your world and your unconscious is listening and following the patterns you have given it to work with.

No Therapy, Brainspotting, or Hypnotherapy will work or be successful unless the client wants it to be. As much as they are willing to join in the journey and own their participation in the process is the same degree to which they will experience change and a better life. Any coercion or pressure by the therapist will only create resistance, so there must be a strong therapeutic bond of trust and a safe, nonjudgmental environment in which the client can become vulnerable, let down their defenses, and experience something different than what they have always experienced, a new and better way.

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PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Do not believe that you can come to counseling for one hour a week or every two weeks… (while having 167 hours a week outside of the session for you to enact and practice faithfully those things you learned in session). If you do not consistently work on change outside of the session you will accomplish nothing and your lifestyle will NOT change. You will simply be deceiving yourself and wasting my time (and your $). I have limited years remaining and want to invest my time and talents in those who do not take it for granted.

As you review this website you will discover I am a very unconventional kind of counselor. If you want traditional counseling please go to one of the many cookie-cutter counselors offered in your area. I cannot want a better/healthier life for you than you do and be successful at treating you. We HAVE to work together - collaboratively. I want to invest my time and talents wisely and I am hoping you do as well.

Why Therapists Become Therapists. It’s In Our Blood.



Let me tell you a little about myself: I am an artist, Jazz and Blues drummer, and an Integrative Health Practitioner. I enjoy traveling, mountains, the ocean and being outdoors. I love people, dogs, coffee, reading, and movies. I am an unabashed lover of Jesus Christ and a bit (bohemian), unconventional (Peculiar - 1st Peter 2:9 & Titus 2:14), and I love what I do. I am a first generation Christian, and a full-fledged (nondenominational) disciple of Jesus Christ.  I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. My salvation was not a religious decision, it was an encounter. I was living the wrong kind of lifestyle when God gave me an Emmaus Road experience (Call it a vision or whatever you want, but it was wholly otherworldly). He radically changed my life and set me on my current path. I wish that I could say that I have always been a good disciple, but in truth, I have screwed up many times (Romans 8:38-39), but He remains faithful. So, my faith is NOT a theory for me and neither is it something that I got from church, college or the seminary that I attended. In fact, I had to struggle to keep my intimacy with Christ while being bombarded by professors about other famous spiritual leaders, and their beliefs and movements that they started, instead of Jesus. Jesus did not say to follow Calvin, Luther, Wesley, or the Pope. He said to follow Him! I wanted to share my history with whomever is reading this because I want you to know that He is REAL, alive and active. I know Him, not just about Him. Even though my beliefs and value system influence all aspects of my being as a "Christian" - I meet people just where they are and make no judgments about your lifestyle choices. Faith and spirituality is very important to some, but not to everyone. I respect your autonomy. Both believers and nonbelievers alike are welcome, without imposition of my values/beliefs of who I think you should be.

Families are what make up communities and when our families are doing well, our community is doing well. I believe in healthy marriages and families, and admire and respect the uniqueness of each. Even though I don't work with children in my practice, I do believe that by helping a couple develop a safe and loving relationship, I am doing one of the most beneficial things that I can do to create a healthy family environment in which a child can live and grow. I would be honored to have the opportunity to walk with you and your family on your journey. Let's take that first step today together toward a better tomorrow!

We operate independently and separate from any church or denomination, and all sessions are strictly confidential

I want to explain the kind of client I tend to have the most success helping so that you can quickly determine whether or not I might be a good fit for you. At that point, you’ll care more about my experience – but this is ultimately about you, not me.

The clients who are the most successful in therapy with me are ones who come ready to work and understand that I’m not going to wave my magic therapy wand and have their problems disappear.

They appreciate my straightforward approach, and that I don’t tiptoe around their issues.  I am authentic, blunt and transparent.

Many of my clients have been to a therapist before but were turned off by the way the therapist took a passive approach to therapy, almost like a lifeless robot. 

No bobblehead here – I am an active participant in your treatment, and you’ll never see me take out a clipboard and write as you share your story. I can’t stand that.

I Try To Be The Kind Of Therapist That I Would Want To See.

I keep it real. I’ve found that the clients who are the most successful in therapy with me have a few things in common. The ones who experience the best results come ready to figure out what’s been keeping them stuck. They take initiativefollow through, and work hard to get to the root of what’s going on. 

They are committed to their own growth and ready to give up old habits that are no longer serving them. They’re tired of replaying old narratives in their heads that keep them in a perpetual state of feeling inadequate. They know it’s time to do the work. 

I integrate a number of therapeutic models depending on the issues I’m treating. You can find a list of them on the services page on this website. Research Studies show that the relationship between the client and therapist is as much or more a predictor of your success than any therapeutic method (See RESEARCH ARTICLES items #1 through #7 below right). It takes safety, trust, and rapport to make this process work. I believe in you. Counseling is not my job it is my calling. It is like getting paid for eating ice cream. RESEARCH ARTICLES: #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. #6. #7.

OneHeartTLC© was created to help clients identify and meet their mental health, spiritual and relationship needs. The therapeutic bond between the counselor and the client is as, or even more important than techniques used, so it is essential to choose the right counselor for you.  

“We look forward to the time when the Power of Love is greater than the Love of Power.

Then will our relationships and the world know the blessings of peace.” - JESUS - Actions speak louder than words.

Reiterated by Jimi Hendrix, William E. Gladstone


I hold a dual Master of Arts Degrees in Marital and Family Therapy and Clinical Mental Health Counseling from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Cleveland, TN, & I also finished a (CACREP) Master of Arts Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Addictions from the University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, KY. I am currently working towards a PsyD. in Neuroscience & Complex Trauma.

I earned my Bachelor of Science in Human Growth & Development, with minors in Sociology and Psychology at Lee University, Cleveland, TN. I also have also been certified in Arbitration, Mediation & Conflict Management from the George Meany Center for Labor Studies, Washington, D.C. - Additionally, I am 15 credit hours away from a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University.


I encourage others to seek and find. Coming from a place of darkness myself, I understand how difficult it is to see the light when you simply cannot find the light-switch. I want to give hope to people to not give up, but understand that there is more to who we are as individuals and as a whole. If we understand ourselves, we can also understand what our relationship is to one another.

As far back as I can remember, I have wondered what makes people who they are. Even as a kid, I was convinced that our emotions and well-being had something to do with our families. I also cared deeply for other people, fueling my interest in the role of how we all impact each other. The more I explored, the more convinced I became of the great power our relationships hold in shaping us. It is not lost on me that as spiritual beings made in the image of God, our primary relationship is with Him. I also recognize that faith plays a major role in our ability to heal, forgive, and find peace.

My Christian faith is a major influence on how I see the world and as such, it is an important factor in how I approach the therapy process. I started full-fledged counseling activities some years ago when contracted by a CASA program in Florida to work with women on a variety of issues, including but not limited to: self-care, boundaries, domestic violence, self-esteem, and career development. I also regularly counseled clients with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Since then, my forte has been Attachment and Relational issues, Affective Regulation versus Dysregulation, Object Relations Theory, Complex Developmental Trauma, and relevant underlying Core issues, which has become my wheelhouse.

I have worked successfully with people from a variety of faiths–Jewish, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Agnostic, and Atheist. It’s especially important for me to come alongside those who are struggling spiritually. I understand the frustration, fear, and shame that often come when our coping skills no longer work and in fact create even more problems in our current circumstances. It is my desire to provide a place where you can grapple with life’s toughest issues without judgment. I care deeply for every client and will come alongside you to help you heal.

Everyone's life experiences are unique - there are no cookie cutter solutions

I have worked with women, men, teens, families and couples. I work with both couples and individuals, all with the shared goal of getting better. I work regularly with individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, grief, or chronic illness. I help clients work through difficult life challenges and transitions including the effects of menopause and empty nest, miscarriage, abortion recovery, family conflict, care-giving and spiritual abuse. I also work with couples who are searching for a way back to happiness in the wake of these issues as well as the challenges of infidelity or growing apart. I’ve been blessed to work with people from all walks of life, from stay-at-home moms to part-time workers to CEOs and busy entrepreneurs. I’ve worked with health care providers (doctors, nurses, and other therapists), educators, politicians, professional athletes, entertainers, and church ministers. I’ve also worked with the families of first responder(s) and military personnel. In other words, people just like you.

I enjoy working with couples while they navigate issues ranging from premarital, emerging from the newlywed bubble, to learning to live life as “empty-nesters” and everything in between.  Life is constantly changing and throwing us curve-balls, during a person’s lifetime they live out many roles:  They are a daughter, husband, wife, employer, teammate, and so many other things.  I look at each person holistically in order to encompass all they are and can be. I help people navigate through their brokenness to help them discover healing and recover their healthiest life and dreams.

I Hope This Has Been Helpful For You

In Determining If I Might Be The Right Therapist For You.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me Here. If I’m not the right fit for you, I will gladly help you find another therapist who might be a better fit for you. 

We all have a story ...

A story we believe defines us. A story we keep telling ourselves. A story we tell anyone who will listen. About why we are. Who we are today. A traumatic childhood, An abusive relationship, A life threatening illness, A near fatal accident, An attack, A divorce, A death; Self abuse, Injustice, Heartbreak, Betrayal...The list is endless.

Some if us use our story as an excuse... A reason to keep ourselves small and disempowered. Giving our power away to the incident and allowing it to control us while we Play victim to our circumstances.

Some of us use our story as a springboard, A reason to grow, expand and become the greatest version of ourselves; Claiming back our power and Not allowing anything from our past to control us today; Being a survivor in our circumstances. We all have a story ...

But who we allow to write our next chapter. And all the ones following that. Until our final breath. All depends on who or what Still holds power over us. We are children of God, God lives in us. We are free. If we want to be. We are creators If we choose to be.

So will our next chapter be a repeat of the last? ... Or will we take control and write our best story yet ... The only limits we have Are those we place upon ourselves, the Illusionary chains We lock ourselves into. We all say we want to be free; But freedom is a choice ... To be free, We only need to give up Everything that is weighing us down. It takes courage. It takes strength. It takes faith. Freedom is only for the brave. Those who break away from their self imposed restraints. Those who take that leap of faith into the unknown. Those who trust in a universe where the currency is love. Do you dare to be free… And live the life of your dreams? All is awaiting on the other side of fear. ~Gemma Star


For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind - 2nd Timothy 1:7

Ready To Get Started?

Jehovah Rapha - "The Lord is my Healer"


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